myMCT OCD Manual (Russian)

Здесь вы можете скачать Бету-версию руководства по мойМКТ и тетрадь для домашних заданий (для более удобного чтения документа используйте увеличение 125%).

Предварительная версия данного концепта показала положительные результаты в недавно проведенном научном исследовании, в котором приняли участие 86 пациентов, страдающие ОКР: мойМКТ оказал положительное воздейстие на обсессии и депрессию по отношению к контрольной группе. Если вы заинтересованы в результатах, Вы можете скачать соответствующию научную статью ниже.

Hauschildt, M., Schröder, J., & Moritz, S. (2016). Randomized-controlled trial on a novel (meta)cognitive self-help approach for obsessive-compulsive disorder (“myMCT”). Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 10, 26-34.

Moritz, S., Jelinek, L., Hauschildt, M., & Naber, D. (2010). How to treat the untreated: effectiveness of a self-help metacognitive training program (myMCT) for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 12, 209-220.

Moritz, S., Hauschildt, M., Murray, S. C., Pedersen, A., Krausz, M., & Jelinek, L. (2018). New wine in an old bottle? Evaluation of myMCT as an integrative bibliotherapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 16, 88-97.

Moritz, S., Stepulovs, O., Schröder, J., Hottenrott, B., Meyer, B., & Hauschildt, M. (2016). Is the whole less than the sum of its parts? Full versus individually adapted metacognitive self-help for obsessive-compulsive disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 9, 107-115.

Philipp, R., Kriston, L., Lanio, J., Kühne, F., Härter, M., Moritz, S., & Meister, R. (2019). Effectiveness of metacognitive interventions for mental disorders in adults – a systematic review and meta-analysis (MATACOG). Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 26, 227-240.

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Recognizing the difficult financial situation of many people suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), we offer this manual and other treatment programs we have developed free of charge. Moreover, it is our explicit goal to evaluate and further improve myMCT by continuing scientific research. However, research is expensive. We therefore rely on federal funding and donations. If you would like to support us in providing free treatment materials to people with psychological disorders, we would be very grateful. We will of course provide these materials to you at no cost whether or not you make a donation.

No one should feel morally obligated to donate! Donations will be used to further develop myMCT. Upcoming projects include translation of our manuals into other languages, improvements of the manual, and payment of staff members who conduct research studies. If needed for tax purposes, we are happy to send you a receipt (please send an email to Steffen Moritz ( and include your postal address and full name). Donations may be made to the account below or online. Please inquire about different possibilities for sponsorship. Please donate to the following account (tax certificates will be issued on request):

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