Our Research

We conduct research on a variety of psychological disorders. All research projects are closely tied to our effort to develop therapeutic interventions for particular disorders (please see the Therapy and Metacognitive Training tabs above). The overarching goal of our basic research projects is to identify the processes and risk factors that contribute to the onset of psychological disorders. This information is then integrated into novel therapy interventions that we test for effectiveness (e.g., the therapy improves patients’ quality of life) and acceptance (e.g., patients find the treatment to be helpful).

Our website is designed to provide an overview of the research we conduct at our clinic in Hamburg; we cannot provide a comprehensive review of international research. For this reason, we cite only our own studies on this website. However, we would like to emphasize that our work is grounded in the empirical efforts of other researchers in the field. For more information on particular topics, please see the links to our research topics on the right.

Meta-analyses show efficacy of metacognitive training for psychosis (MCT)

Multiple meta-analyses show that patients with psychosis benefit significantly from our metacognitive training for psychosis (MCT) compared to a control group in terms of positive symptoms. The meta-analyses can be found here.

A list of our publications can be found at the bottom of the following site: Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy | Neuropsychology and Psychotherapy Research Unit