- English
- Metacognitive Training (MCT)
- Metacognitive Training for Borderline Personality Disorder (B-MCT)
- Metacognitive Training for Borderline Personality Disorder (B-MCT) (English)
Metacognitive Training for Borderline Personality Disorder (B-MCT) (English)
Please use the links below to download the manual and other training materials (e.g., slides and homework) for metacognitive training for borderline personality disorder (B-MCT). Commercial use of these materials is prohibited. Copyright restrictions apply (e.g., no modification of the material, no use of the slides for other purposes without the authors’ prior consent). We would appreciate any feedback on the manual and training materials.
Contribution & e-training MCT
If you download the MCT material, please make a contribution ($35/35€ for individuals; $100/100€ for institutions). You may donate online via this link, for more information see here. Your contribution will be used to revise, develop, and evaluate new treatments. We will, of course, send you an official donation receipt. Please note that we have also developed certified e-trainings for the MCT and D-MCT for therapists who wish to offer metacognitive training (www.uke.de/e-mct; www.uke.de/e-dmct).
- B-MCT_Module_1_Attribution.pdf (944.5 KiB)
- B-MCT_Module_2_Rumination_and_Catastrophization.pdf (983.8 KiB)
- B-MCT_Module_3_Empathizing_I.pdf (2.0 MiB)
- B-MCT_Module_4_Discovering_the_Positive.pdf (934.2 KiB)
- B-MCT_Module_5_Empathizing_II.pdf (1.7 MiB)
- B-MCT_Module_6_Self-esteem.pdf (1.3 MiB)
- B-MCT_Module_7_Jumping_to_conclusions.pdf (2.4 MiB)
- B-MCT_Module_8_Mood.pdf (990.5 KiB)
Homework and Manual
Moritz, S., Schilling, L., Wingenfeld, K., Köther, U., Wittekind, C., Terfehr, K., & Spitzer, C. (2011). Psychotic-like cognitive biases in borderline personality disorder. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 42, 349–354.
Schilling, L., Köther, U., Nagel, M., Agorastos, A., & Moritz, S. (2013a). Kognitive Verzerrungen bei Patienten mit einer Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung und deren Behandlung durch das „Metakognitive Training – Borderline“. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 61, 239–246.
Schilling, L., Moritz, S., Kriston, L., Krieger, M., & Nagel, M. (2018). Efficacy of Metacognitive Training for patients with borderline personality disorder: preliminary results. Psychiatry Research, 262, 459–464.
Schilling, L., Moritz, S., Köther, U., & Nagel, M. (2015a). Preliminary results on acceptance, feasibility, and subjective efficacy of the add-on group intervention Metacognitive Training for borderline patients. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29, 153–164.
Schilling, L., Moritz, S., Schneider, B. C., Bierbrodt, J., & Nagel, M. (2015b). Attributional ‘tunnel vision’ in patients with borderline personality disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders, 29, 839–846.
Schilling, L., Wingenfeld, K., Spitzer, C., Nagel, M., & Moritz, S. (2013b). False memories and memory confidence in borderline patients. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 44, 376–380.
Schilling, L., Wingenfeld, K., Löwe, B., Moritz, S., Terfehr, K., Köther, U., & Spitzer, C. (2012). Normal mind-reading capacity but higher response confidence in borderline personality disorder patients. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 66, 322–327.
Downloading the materials is permitted with the understanding that any commercial use is prohibited. Copyright regulations apply (e.g., no manipulation of material, no incorporation of slides into other programs without prior consultation of the authors).
Help us to help others!
In view of the challenging financial situation of many psychiatric hospitals, it is our goal to provide metacognitive training for borderline personality disorder (B-MCT) at a low cost. However, your donation is essential to our work and will help to improve the lives of many individuals suffering from borderline personality disorder. We would be very grateful if you would support B-MCT by making a donation.
We guarantee that all donations will go to the further development of B-MCT (future tasks: translation of modules into other languages, creation of new graphics, hiring students to perform B-MCT in clinics). Upon request, we will send you a receipt for your donation (please send an email to Steffen Moritz (moritz@uke.de) and include your mail address). Please inquire about different possibilities for sponsorships.