- English
- Metacognitive Training (MCT)
- Individualized Metacognitive Therapy for Psychosis (MCT+)
- Individualized Metacognitive Therapy (MCT+) for Psychosis (Japanese)
Individualized Metacognitive Therapy (MCT+) for Psychosis (Japanese)
For display purposes the below text is in English. However, the manual, worksheets and units are in Japanese language!
MCT+ combines the process-oriented approach of metacognitive group training with elements of individual cognitive-behavioral therapy. Six years after the release of the first edition, we are happy to provide the second edition of the MCT+ manual. In light of multiple studies indicating that patients often view their affective problems as more important treatment targets than their positive symptoms, we have broadened the approach, which was initially concerned only with the cognitive biases responsible for psychotic symptoms, so that MCT+ now also helps patients deal with low self-esteem, depression, and stigma. The present program contains new or optimized exercises as well as a new unit on self-esteem. The links below are to a shortened adaptation of the German MCT+ concept. We would be very grateful for feedback on this version.
Downloading the materials is permitted free of charge with the understanding that any commercial use is prohibited. Copyright restrictions apply (e.g., no modification of the materials, no use of slides for other purposes without the authors’ prior consent). You may download the worksheets for each unit below. If you plan to administer individualized metacognitive training for psychosis (MCT+), please send us a brief email: moritz@uke.de. We would also be grateful for any comments you might have and any recommendations for revision.
Contribution & e-training MCT
If you download the MCT material, please make a contribution ($35/35€ for individuals; $100/100€ for institutions). You may donate online via this link, for more information see here. Your contribution will be used to revise, develop, and evaluate new treatments. We will, of course, send you an official donation receipt. Please note that we have also developed certified e-trainings for the MCT and D-MCT for therapists who wish to offer metacognitive training (www.uke.de/e-mct; www.uke.de/e-dmct).
Modules (zipped PDF Files)
Japanese version by Steffen Moritz, Francesca Bohn, Ruth Veckenstedt, Takuma Ishigati & Todd S. Woodward.
Therapy manual with brief introduction for all 11 MCT+ units: Please press below. For MCT therapy sessions, we recommend printing out the presentation, which can be used repeatedly with different patients. The worksheets are handed to the patient. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay updated on the latest developments.
Recent meta-analysis: Liu, Y. C., Tang, C. C., Hung, T. T., Tsai, P. C., & Lin M. F. (2018). The efficacy of Metacognitive Training for delusions in patients with schizophrenia: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials informs evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 15,130–139.
Help us to help others!
In view of the troubling financial situation of many psychiatric hospitals, it is our goal to provide most of our interventions free of charge. However, research is very time consuming and also requires large financial resources. If you would like to support us financially, we would be very grateful for donations. We will help you, of course, whether or not you have made a donation. No one should feel morally obligated to make a contribution.
We guarantee that all donations will be used for the further development of our interventions (future tasks: translation of modules into other languages, new graphics). On request, we can send you a receipt for your donation (please email Steffen Moritz (moritz@uke.de)). Please inquire about different possibilities for sponsorships.