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Metacognitive Training (MCT)

Our research group has been addressing metacognitive processes in psychosis therapeutically since the early 2000s. Through humorous exercises, individuals with psychosis should gain insight into unhelpful cognitive distortions (e.g., jumping to conclusions, overconfidence in decisions) and improve their metacognitive abilities (“thinking about thinking”).

Online workshops on Metacognitive Training for Psychosis (MCT): for more information and to sign up for our next workshop, please click here.

See the links on the left for further information on our metacognitive training and individualized therapy for psychosis (MCT, MCT+), borderline personality disorder (B-MCT), depression (D-MCT), depression in later life (MCT-Silver), obsessive-compulsive disorder (myMCT), and for the acute psychiatric setting (MCT-Acute). Below is a list of articles on the training and other therapeutic programs we have developed. Interested in our e-learning showing you how to facilitate the intervention? Then, please click here.

Please also note that we have developed e-learning programmes for the MCT and D-MCT: |

A list of our publications can be found at the bottom of the following site: Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy | Neuropsychology and Psychotherapy Research Unit